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RE: QOTW - If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?

in ecoTrain2 years ago

The questiion "where comes the evil from?" is one of the complexest questions at all. It has uncountable answers.
I have written a book about it.
And the more important question is, how we cane ease the pain.
There are also uncountable answers.


Very good points indeed! Thank you so much bringing forth these very complex questions as well as they form quite a lengthy discussion each on their own. Creating more than you destroy is one of the ways in which one can ease the pain, I am certain (as it appears on your motto). All the best, much health, have a great evening, and namaste! :)

Thank you!

You're most welcome! Have a great day! :)

Evil, like God, is just a word. Then it depends what you put behind, and this is varying from culture and epochs, so after few centuries you have many answers.