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RE: Online Bullying

in ecoTrain3 years ago


So us giving you advice such as not spamming 4-6 posts per day and trying to "catch up" as you put it, along with me mentioning that many dislike all caps titles was bullying and flagging random newbies? You know the logs are saved, right?

Sure our humor and the way we chatted wasn't for everyone, but that wasn't the idea for the danger zone chat you were invited to anyway. Good riddance.


You can deny it all you like. I’m sure you will the stuff I saw in that chat room was disgraceful. You had no interest in helping newbies at all only laughing about their posts in that group and choosing who to flag that day.

People barely downvoted stuff back then, you were given advice to not be a dumbass spammer and decided to go defensive and were booted out of the private chatroom. I thought you had changed as I just a week or so ago curated a post of yours but seeing you remember things to your own benefit and trying to smear others just cause you dislike getting downvoted isn't really improvement in my opinion. Good luck on the other safespace chains with the rest of the abusers.

You Flagged and targeted multiple people down to 0. Laughing about it and sending screenshots to one another in private rooms. Many of them since moved to other places like @lost

So because I am calling out behaviour I saw that means I am a spammer?

You're calling out behavior from a private chatroom where people were joking around and using it to smear others activity and twist it in your favor. You were spamming when you first joined, I remember that much, and you instantly became defensive when you were given advice on what not to do, your own fucking problem if people in the chat decided to make fun of you and turn you into a fucking meme.

Not talking abOut me talking about what I witnessed.

Okay well it's pretty much bullshit, we added people to that chatroom we thought could have a nice experience on hive and use an early boost in their journey and if they turned out to not have the same mindset as others and borderline sociopaths we booted them out. Downvotes barely happened back then unless people did something ridiculous as they weren't free, so we wouldn't go around looking for targets to downvote to low rep as you put it, we did a lot more good for users and had lots of fun there than just joking around about some who had no concept of social media platforms. Either prove or it or shut the fuck up.

It was steemit not hive and you didn’t do it to people in that room you just picked on everyone who joined the main chat and laughed at them and threatened them with taking them down to rep 1 - which was done a couple of times. These were normal nice people who just happened to be new and not understand the platform, or in some cases their first language wasn’t even English. To call them people with mental health issues is flat out wrong.

I never spammed I just posted a few times a day for a few weeks. I’m taking me out of it. The way I saw you guys upvote one another and laugh at newbies and constantly threaten to take them down to 0 is not the behaviour I would expect from people with responsibility on a platform, or people wanting to help new people grow.

Not sure why I bothered but here's proof you were spamming, dumbass.





Some people don't deserve help and advice. Now please fuck right off.

Yeah I said I posted a lot in my first few weeks. I never denied it. It wasn’t spamming though it was just posting a lot. It’s a free platform I post a lot on fb. If people didn’t like it I guess they didn’t vote lol

It was down right bullying. It was actually rly horrible and uncomfortable to see.

And then there was the other prIvate room they used to keep public but mute people in whilst laughing about them.