Importance of Symbols

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Namaskar / Hello to all hive users, who will reach this post. I hope you are doing great and having fun in your life and enjoying it with your loved ones.

Once Swami Vivekananda went on a visit to Rajputana "During this, during his conversation with Alwar Maharaj Mangal Singh, Maharaj said - See, I do not believe in idol worship. I cannot worship an idol made of wood, clay, or metal. So, because of this Will, I get a bad movement after dying? Then Swamiji's eyes fell on a picture of Maharaj hanging on the wall. At his behest, the Diwan took it down and gave it to him. Taking the picture in his hands, Vivekananda asked- whose picture Is the Diwan said, of our Maharaj. Swamiji asked Diwan to throw the picture in the dustbin. Hearing this, the Dewan was ashamed, what is Swami saying? This is a replica of our Maharaj. How can I do

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Swamiji said- Maharaj Sashir is not present in this picture! This is just a piece of paper. Even then you are not dealing with it as I said because you see the shadow of Maharaj in it. Then Swamiji turned to Maharaj and said- Look, Maharaj, although in one sense you are not in this picture, in another sense it is you. This was the reason that when I asked your devotee Diwan to throw it away, he got nervous. You have a reflection in this picture, this thinking brings you to his mind and makes him stand out. That is why the more reverence he holds for you, the more faith is in this picture of him. The same applies to those devotees who worship idols. The statue brings Isht into his mind and makes him stand up.

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.







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-----Together we will make this a better place-----


It's a very interesting thought. Most religions renounce idol worshipping... on theory. On practice, they usually do the exact opposite! 🤭

Yes indeed sir, id there is GOD that is everywhere and in every things. We just make places or symbols to visit there