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RE: How Much Free Will Do You Have?

Did he say this before or after, or after or before his ego phase?

Anyway, there are lots of things you can't think of. And so, you have no free will in those areas.

There are lots of "programs" or "templates" that are placed upon you at birth, and those seriously effect how you think, and the futures you can believe in. So, those kinda limit free will to certain areas.

And you, the thinking part of the doer is only a small part of who/what is manifesting here. (things like we call destiny, or karma, are set by you, but not you-you). And that sorta limits your free will.

So, imagine that humanity decides to believe in God. We have gotten tired of going around in circles of stupid thought, about whether God exists. We have played atheism for all its worth, done with it. So, we, humanity, decides to pull the veil back which is keeping us from KNOWING God exists. And from that moment on, everyone will be born knowing God exists. So, we will have limited our free will in that area.