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RE: Positive Consequences Of Covid19 - Is There Such A Thing? - EcoTrain Question Of The Week!

in ecoTrain4 years ago (edited)

Beautiful to know you're seeing the positives. Yes, this is an ongoing conversation in my inner dialogue - working to see things optimistically, as well as realistically, i.e. optimistic realism. Yeah, I feel every struggle presents an opportunity, although it seems my personal preference is to avoid the struggle. As it relates to COVID, I found myself investing a lot more of my energy into my personal health and wellbeing, getting outside more, being more present with the kids... I didn't get everything right, and had some serious losses this year. I love that song by The Eagles, "Peaceful Easy Feeling," especially the line that goes: "I know you won't let me down, 'cause I'm already standing on the ground." Turns out, I can go pretty deep beneath the surface in my struggle sometimes, but I do like the idea that we can only go up from here. The world is destined to turn in our favor once again.


I am seeing this as a rebirth, and what we are now experiencing now are the waves of contractions. So much is being brought to the surface now, both on a global and personal level. Keep your vibrations high and choose love, which I know you do. Much love to you Cabe and your beautiful family xxxxx