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RE: UpSkilling MySelf - Dry Wall Building And Planting Trees

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Beautiful post, dear friend @trucklife-family!! Thanks for sharing your glorious skills! I LOVE seeing others perfect crafts - sooo satisfying, eh! I love your big grub too: we have a very similar, only slighyly smaller one here in rural Italy, which I don't know the name of, but am very aware that it nestles into the hearts of tree trunks and eats them from the inside out... very pesky beast! It only seems to thrive where there's a LOT of overgrowth and undergrowth, ivy, vines, creepers, and dark, dank build-up of layers: seems to work symbiotically with ivy and rotting funghi systems, and to take care of the chopping trees down bit!



Hey there @clareartista, thank you for your wonderful feedback. I have been so productive these last few weeks it has been great xxxxx