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RE: Online Bullying

in ecoTrain3 years ago

I like seeing your work, so I hope you don't disappear completely.

I think that this could soon become a non-issue, as Hive expands into other side projects and networks, like Leo for example. The community is going to get too big and too diffuse for any one person or group to have much impact or influence. And that could happen pretty rapidly, at the pace things are moving.


I think I’m going to put my focus over at steemit for a bit. As much as I love the community for me its a big thing that I hoped blockchain could give creatives freedom to create purely and get compensated. I loved trying to build for myself and to support other creatives. If they all just get capped at 25 /30 dollars all the time you can’t build anything. i Love Some community members and groups here but it just annoys me too much to see a small group of ppl dictate everyone’s worth. For now I’ll pribablt focus more on blurt and steem and help my friends set up there and just keep my hand in a bit here at times incase it changes in the future and to see what everyone’s up to.

Look up ACOM while you're over there. they have some interesting plans.

Ok I’ll check it out. I truly still believe there is a platform out there not yet revealed that will rly take off. They will use these platforms as research to iron out problems like this. I guess like MySpace to fb... Altho who doesn’t miss MySpace now haha

I'll be there when it takes to the sky 😉