Off the grid...

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)

Hey beautiful people,

I know it's been a few weeks since I've written something and I'm awfully sorry for that. I had what could be considered as the worst burnout I've ever experienced.. And I couldn't even enjoy the things that usually gave me relieve and allowed me to express myself, like writing.

But I'm dealing with it and currently recovering.

So just bare with me, as I'll be back soon with some quality content to share with you guys!

I also just want to tell everyone going through this, to hang in there..

Be gentle yet firm with yourself.
Be honest with those around you, tell them what it is that you can and can't do.
Don't force yourself into situations and interactions that you do not have the energy for, because that will only make it worse.

It was a little easier for me, because I work from home and for myself. So I didn't need to ask for permission for some time off.

Take care of yourself, drink enough water and find something to keep you busy.

I haven't left my house in almost 2 weeks, and I'm okay with that. Allow yourself to go through this on your own terms but be honest enough to admit when you can't do it alone anymore. Eventhough not everyone might understand what you are going through, trust that there could be at least one person that will.

And even if they don't understand, sometimes just being able to openly and honestly say what's going on your mind, can already make you feel ten times lighter.

Mental health affects everyone. Whether you are a motivational speaker, mental health coach or someone of whom people would not suspect that they could possibly go through it, because that person has the tools and answers to help themself... Supposedly...

I'll repeat..


So be kind to yourself, but also to those around you.
You don't know what someone is going through, because we like to keep this to ourself for as long as possible.

And usually when we do show that we are mentally not okay... By that time, We are almost already drowning in it..

But like I always say..

If you let it, THIS TOO SHALL PASS...

Sidenote: As marking of a new beginning for myself, I cut off all my hair... Wheewwww, That was emotional and yet so liberating.

in LOVE,




Keep writing. I am looking forward to seeing more of it. 🤠

Ah thank you for that, will definitely keep writing.
Have a good one 😁🤗

You are quite welcome and likewise on having a good day. 🤠

 2 years ago  

thank you for showing up and sharing such positive and meaningful words.. they are important and good for us all to take in...

congrats for honoring your self! <3

Much appreciated and thank you for creating a community in which it feels safe to write about this 🙏❤️