
For sure it’s a government position many are fighting but I’m just saying that those people who are maybe a musician and havn’t been able to work or play since last March, those threats of removal of votes mean more than they do to people that are say earning 80 percent of their income from siting home arguing with people lol I’m not even saying what my life situation is I’m just generally able to see the plethora of possibilities and stand up for the underdog. For some people here that upvote could be their life out of poverty in a third world. So they are then bound to suck up and conform to all bullies and things they don’t agree with from fear. Like you said initially you were right fear is the biggest thing. Once there is no fear of loss we are truly free same goes for many things in life like relationships too.

It’s actually why I share this stuff now and get this conversation going as I don’t care anymore. I mean who doenst like earning crypto but I would no longer let people hold it over me. Back in 2017 I totally let those bullies win by not outing them and being afraid to some degree of how much power they had to just crush accounts for fun or silly personal grudges. I see that some are still witnesses now but at this point I’m past them having any power over me, maybe cause much of my other stuff has done well since in life and blockchain and I’m in a different position to a few years ago. I’m ready To open up deeper discussions on the topic for those who also want to.