Food that will make you healthy - Ecotrain question of the week.

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)

When I was a kid the food i commonly eat was plantain, this is because my parents love eating plantain.
our plantation garden was quit close to our house and my dad will work at the farm every saturday, I ate plantain almost every day because it was the only food my parents could sometimes afford without using money to buy at the market, i could remember back then during the hard times i will eat plantain every day and sometime i complain about it,
I could remember sometimes when i refuse to eat it as a meal back then when it been prepared in my family, and my mother will come over to my room, she will talk to me and makes a promise to prepared me something else sonner.



Plantain is a very energetic food and it protect the lungs from stomach bacterial, plantain provide and give good body physic, plantain is a direct ion and energy giving food, and it has great benefit in the body.

I want to list out the good functions and benefit of plantain in the body i discovered;
Plantains are a carb-rich food and a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. With good levels of vitamin C, they can also support immune function likewise, Their Vitamin B6 content may reduce cardiovascular risk and improve mood.
The high amount of potassium found in plantains is essential for maintaining the cell and body fluids that control your heart rate and blood pressure.



Plantain can also control weight because it a rich in a type of fiber that helps you fell fuller longer. This may help you control your weight if you're overweight or obese. Constipation; fiber-rich plantains may also help you stay regular if you get blocked up from time to time.

Deep in my country side Nigeria Africa plantain happen to be the best food and we the Africans love eaten plantain regularly because of the health benefit and it like a native food in our place. Plantain is commonly seen in my homeland Nigeria, And as a country man I have a plantation farm which I developed by my self.



I want to list and explain the function of plantain i personally fine out, the function of plantain and how important it is to human body; plantain protect the stomach from stomach pain and it also make anybody suffering from stomach pain to get relief from it, plantain provide physical strength in the body.

 2 years ago  

Is plantain the same as banana? If it's not then I have heard this name for the first time and if you had to depend on this fruit alone during your childhood, it must be really a hard situation. Thanks for your post.

 2 years ago  

For me, I would say they are the same even though people in my country differentiate them. Plantain can be fried while Banana is always small and can be eaten raw without frying. Though some people including me eat raw plantain too which makes plantain to be eaten in two ways, fried or raw.

 2 years ago  

@princessbusayo we eat raw banana too fried and as vegetable dry or with gravy. But plantain was definitely a new word for me. Thank you letting me know.

 2 years ago  

You are welcome. Plantain has a different colour from bananas but both are still called bananas anyway. lol

 2 years ago  

I have also loved eating plantain too and I can´t do without it. Apart from the benefits of plantain, it can make the stomach full for some hours. Plantain is a proteinous food which has a lot of benefits which you have listed in your post. Thank you for sharing.