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RE: Baby steps toward food independence: nuts, nutella, apple juice, cider, apple cider vinegar, wine, bread & jams

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)

How wonderful to grow food 365 days a year! Here in Southern BC we are limited to May, June, July, August, and September. But this year we didn't really get any months for growing at all... just heat so bad leaves burned right off the plants. There were no bees, and it only rained 5 times all year. And now the heat is gone and we're getting frost every night. I tried peas a second time because my first crop was singed to death in June, but this one froze. I put hundreds of hours of effort into my garden this year, plus about $100 in seeds, and ended up with about 30 tomatoes, 4 tiny squash, 2 little pumpkins, enough garlic to try again next year, a bag of potatoes, and a few handfuls of beans. Luckily, the local farmers market had food, although it was a lot more expensive than last year. They don't require a health passport... yet.
You know if I could get over there, I would! But unvaccinated Canadians are not allowed to leave the country by any means. We are prisoners here until we take the injections. Many countries are locking down in a similar way now that health passports are in place. Hopefully everybody is where they want to be. Good luck to us all.


Feels a bit like musical chairs hey. And the music has indeed nearly stopped.

Each growing season will see many failures but this is how we learn. I don't talk much about the plants which didn't work in these posts, but you can be sure there are many! There must surely be ways to protect your crops from frosts or keep them cooler in those crazy hot months? As you say, we can't rely on shops or markets for much longer. Perhaps you could connect privately with the producers at your market and set up some kind of unofficial delivery system with them? If they have any kind of humanity left in them, they will understand your predicament and want to help you.