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RE: What are your favourite ways to show and receive gratitude? (ecoTrain QOTW)

in ecoTrain3 years ago

For sure, we all have different ways by which we show gratitude for the things people do for us

We wouldn't be anywhere in the world, if not for the collective effort of other people... No man is an island

For you, it's great that you store every act of kindness in your memory so that you can forever remain grateful to those who show you kindness

Like you said, it's a way of showing one is responsible, and every human should learn to do so

I appreciate that friend of yours who gave his position of work to you 8 years ago, please, tell him, this ☺️

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 3 years ago  

I appreciate that friend of yours who gave his position of work to you 8 years ago, please, tell him, this ☺️

Hahah of course, we're no longer in touch due to a lot of circumstances that came with life, but for sure I do appreciate him, I've met good people and even in this blockchain I've been lucky to meet even better people whose act of kindness has changed my live and remembering them everyday makes me feel responsible to them.
Thanks for dropping by. I totally appreciate it.


There is no problem, buddy

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