Ecotrain - Tiny Earthship Design Competition - My Entry

in ecoTrain3 years ago


This is my proposal for the Tiny Earthship Design competition by @eco-alex

The goal was to create a small house for various events such as cacao ceremonies, singing, bhajans, yoga, etc.

My idea was to create a house in the shape of a heart or similar since in these types of events there is a lot of love to share.

This is the starting base


I was inspired by houses made of adobe, clay, and other natural materials.
I have a friend who makes this kind of houses and I was inspired by some of his projects.

Check his website:

Due to lack of time, I only managed to finish this project today





What do you think, do you like my idea?

 3 years ago  

wow! thank you! what a lovely design and idea.. i love the shape and the materials.. and bonus points for including what looks like a glass bottle design on the front..

bravo! nice job @em3di!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!! 👍

Es hermoso tu proyecto felicitaciones un gran trabajo enhorabuena éxito en el concurso y espero sea tomado en cuenta para su fabricación. Ya quiero estar allí.

¡Muchas gracias Evelyn! ¡Me gustó mucho el comentario! 😍