Do we need a Guru or teacher in order to grow spiritually?

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)

We live in a world where nobody is perfect and for we to grow in the right path we need to learn everyday from those who are more experienced than us in areas where it's been needed in our life for a positive change.

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Who is a guru?

A guru from my own point of view is someone who is an expert in his or her field with more experience and knowledge to handle things or situations properly. Many people mistake guru to be people who are perfect in certain situations or areas where they are good at but looking at it this way since we are all born to make mistakes perfect shouldn't be the right word to use instead people who have more knowledge or experience is prefarable. At the same time no idea or knowledge is wasted when learning from them because they know more than us and for we to boost our spiritual life we need to gain ideas from them to follow the right path to have a strong spiritual life.

Who is a teacher?

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A teacher is someone who impact knowledge in us for we to be exposed to some many things when been trained to know the good from the bad and also the right way to follow. Teachers don't actually mean our school teachers because it has come to my understanding that anybody can be your teacher because no knowledge is lost when learning from someone, he or she might be saying nonsense to you regardless of how you see it but in that nonsense there must surely be a sense in it to grab.

Our first teacher we met when coming to this world is our parents and the role of a parent is to lead the child to a right path in life in other to be successful in every area of field been required to. Our parents wishes us well because they don't want to see the downfall of their children instead they advise them and show them what is good and what is bad.

As we experience each day in life so as our ideas and knowledge keep increasing because we learn everyday from different people around us with the lessons they impact on us.

Do we need a Guru or teacher in order to grow spiritually?

Our parents who happens to be our first teacher have taken that path to teach us how to grow spiritually from letting us know what is good and what is bad and also by doing this they take us to either church or mosque to strengthen that spiritual believe to gain more knowledge from the experience teachers.

Learning from a guru or spiritual teacher is not a bad idea at all because we will definitely learn from them what our parent's didn't teach us in other to gain more knowledge on spirituality and a way forward to follow to live a good life. Though we are all entitled to our own opinion in issues like this but majority follow this path because they believe is the best way to grow spiritually.


 2 years ago  

In fact, I think we need both to help guide us in our spiritual lives but it shouldn't be ignored that teachers are the best people to help us because even the gurus were once taught and trained by a teacher.

Thanks for sharing your thought on this topic.

 2 years ago  

The truth is we all learn from someone that has an impact in our lives and such people should be regarded as teachers with the knowledge been pass to us.

 2 years ago  

Exactly 💯