Making progress on my weird greenhouse project

in ecoTrainlast year

I'm happy to have retaken the habit of blogging and also it's good to go back to a simpler format that's friendlier with my time. I'm also grateful for the nice comments I've been getting, i sometimes forget how cool the Hive community is.

I've been making slow and steady progress on the greenhouse. Mind you, this is one of the most unconventional greenhouses you'll see in a while. It's made up of willow branches which are never straight and torn recycled plastics so it's just a Frankenstein aesthetically speaking.

Yeah, not the best craftsmanship, but keep in mind that this the first thing i ever build without a single nail, only recycled cordage, willow and torn plastics. It still has a lot to improve though, there are many things to add, but at least it's already providing a different environment than what is experienced outside.

When you enter, the first thing you see is the composting bin I'm weaving out of green branches which has the purpose of providing heat as it gets colder.

I had begun very tidy and tight at the bottom but after some progress i realized that it was going to take forever to do the whole thing that way so i started being more creative and letting my intuition do the guiding. After all, it doesn't have to be super tight as compost benefits from air flow, it just has to hold the waste in place.

The temperature inside is super nice, even when it's pretty cold outside. I've been using the space to bathe as well, I heat up some water and take it with a bucket inside which is much more pleasant than doing it outside on cold days.

Right now there is little growing because I had my cannabis plants inside and i hadn't made enough progress when the frosts came and withered them. In the picture above you can see thistle and wild parsnip which I'm not planning on removing as weeds grow crazy in greenhouse and that is a good thing if you're a serious vegan offgrider. Garden plants are tasty, but weeds feed you all year.

I also brought in some small chards from the garden as they needed some thinning and they've been there for a few days without withering so I'm pretty sure they're good to go.

Have you ever noticed that many broad beans bring out new shoots during fall? They don't just die out but try to give it another go. Unfortunately, the cold of winter usually finished them off but I've been placing these in the greenhouse to see what happens.

This broccoli was also in the garden half dead because i made the mistake of putting it in a place that was too shadowy. Cut off the best bit and put it in the soil, so far looks good.

You might have noticed there are leaves everywhere and that's because I've been mulching with them a lot inside. I've read it's not the best option for nutrients but I'm mainly doing it to prevent the soil from freezing and because it's what i have most available in the forest.

That's what i got for today, thanks for stopping by and reading!


If it works, it works 😁

Yeah, already brought the compost in and it's getting pretty warm in there!

You could warm your bathwater!

I hope to do so!! Maybe you noticed there's a big stump at the center.. I already have a copper pipe to coil around it and hopefully use it to warm water

Post about how you go with it please when it's running 🏃‍♂️

Frankenstein greenhouse, I like that.

From the outside it kind of seems like someone playing ghost under a huge piece of plastic but I know that outsides can deceive ;<)

I think the same too, looks like a ghost

Unique indeed, and I love it!
Hmm, I've never seen broccoli growing like that, and you're making me miss having a garden.
I'll bookmark this post, and whenever I get around to doing some real gardening like this, I just might hit you up with questions 😆

Yeah, the forest makes plants grow all crazy with new shapes as they look to make the most out of the limited sunlight they have. Hope you get that garden going, feel free to tag me if you post something about that :D

Ok, cool 😁