All About Miracle. ➤ QOTW Question : Ecotrain.

in ecoTrain2 years ago


What a nice day this is to speak up with you, one thing I would say before going into the formal writing ceremony is that,yesterday I had a nice bit of occassional ceremony passing on while I was busy in reading for my coming exam paper ; but attending a marriage ceremony during the time of heavy study load -- that was something for which I wasnt ready. But, anyway!! Huh ha,that was a good one of refreshing. 😎


What Is A" Miracle "?

I think, this is a bit of a question, that maybe float out of the long open ended comprehension of the brain who would be subjected to the question for answering.But, to me there is a something critical in thinking about the word/attribute miracle. When we face something unexpectedly or deal with something,for which we unimaginatively follow through, this sort of event is normal labeled as miracle.

And for some reason, when we do pass by incidence or escape from sever accidents, then we say we are lucky or extremely blessed by something spiritual which prevented us from falling in the scenario where we wouldnt want to go through and that is a big case of life event.But,anyway without getting superstitious about the concept simply we would get to know from those marked attribute,that miracle is something, which happen once in a thousands time,isnt it?

Do Miracle's Are Universal?

It is very amazing to see that the recent studies are unfolding many unprecedented info's and facts that, there is hardly any space to stand by the reason and move forward by putting aside the contexts of spirituality, faith,fate,rituals, supernaturalism, vows and many things. In some religious dogma's ; those people devoting in the belief, has the tends to think, that all fate including miracle comes from written scripts.

Even, There are popular people opining great yet simple truths behind the sole concept of miracle. Few years ago, I read a quote like this ;

There is two way of living life,one ;believing that nothing is miracle and on the other hand believing that everything is miracle.

Albert Einstein.


Now,he may have told this from physics principle of uncertainty perspectives, but from logical sense, we do know that,what he said that is absolutely true and with value attached for the quality. But,in real sense, there are quite a few incidents that happen in our life, what we call miracles. Some stories pass the memory test, and those sharp and exemplary incidents embed the neural cerebrum cortex to visualize and store that into medulla of the brain.

Those incidents and memories last a lifetime and we can recall them anytime we wish that to remind in our mind.
Anyway,as per the question asked for this week's QOTW segment, describing a miraculous event that took place in my life, I would like to finish my write, noting up an incident which laid significant impression on my mind.
It was interesting, spooky,mysterious, nerve arousing, tempting and informative.
So many characters, right? Ha ha, 😃... Ok,not wasting any time,lets get onto the story...

A Miraculous Story/Event Of My Life.

The day was a friday and it was the time of winter. I was free of my usual activities and had a chance to go out of my house, nearly half a month of vacation was a surprise package for me.So, I spent the first day,by thinking how to spend the days with more joy and added merriment.After a bit of stuffy hours,I composed the schedule to pass, and that was a trip to the south side of the countyside.


Just a casual outing and I went far, with my friend. On the opening day,I hired a car and set for the drive to reach as early as possible on the bank of a streaming river, near a lake & mountain, where the neck of the mountain is covered by an awesome water-fall.That day, I was so happy and relaxed, that I spent the whole morning talking and gossipping with my friend and he was also in good spirit.

We didnt have any problem in the opening day, by God's grace we were hale and safe ; but I suppose, my fate turned bad the second day when I had gone to witmess the water fall. It was in the afternoon, dense fog was out in the sky and all over the place! We were driving the car towards the east direction and suddenly we entered into a forest, which was dark and filled with smoky fog.

For a moment,we thought we have lost the cues to return to the way,but the situation was even more worse.We couldnt see anything just ahead of two feets and there were dense clouds, very cold and so alarming that your hands would surely be freezed. That was the case and I initially thought, I was hypnotized by a supermatural force, but it was a bit possessive force, which was dragging our car towrds an unclear and wrong direction. Such was the case!!!


I thought, I would see the dooms-day, just after an hour, and literally we had nearly zero chance to survive from the ensuing car crash, but things certainly came to control in the last minute, when I miraculously got back the circulatation of my hand. I held the tight grip of hands and pressed the halt button,to decelerate the speed as much as possible and at last we hit the wood.. 😶😵

We were senseless for 2 long hours and luckily our car had the activated GPS, which came out great help for the rescue team to find and track us. They came in a hurry and admitted us to the hospital and after several days of treatment, we got well soon. But,whoever back then listened to the story,they got thrilled and so is the story, dark and spooky!!!

Final Remarks.

I would say,our survival from that crash was miraculous. If that hadnt been so, we woudn't have been alive and not here to descrive "miracle" in the QOTW Segment. But,out of luck and Gods grace, I survived and got well soon after that.
So,I hope, still there happens even one miracle that saves us,saves us from danger and from lethal blow.I would say, this is not a miracle,but more than that,I rather say, a blessing.

Thanks for reading and patient unto the end.Good bye,see you soon.


Thank God things weren't worse than that, it's really a miracle and a blessing.

I'm grateful to have witnessed a few miracles in my life time, let me check out this #qotw prompt.

Yeah,truly it is..Thanks for following up and opining how you felt about my story.Have a nice day,👍

It's really a scary suspense story, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes at that time.... When a miracle happen it is a blessing. Enjoy your life.

Deeply thinking, life itself is a miracle.At the same time, events that happen in the life also remain the same.
Yeah,sure.The story was scary & suspense, also interesting and rich in meaning. I learnt a lot from that, and most part of what is, after that,I began to view my life from more precious and gleaming angle.. Thats the rejuvenation, you could say.. 😊,

Thanks for reading this out, have a blessed life also.👍💗

Well it won't be a miracle if it wasn't spooky and mysterious 😃, I'm glad you're here to tell the story, it's indeed a blessing

Ha ha, I see.But,there are even stories dont align the two categories.You may have a check in other posts #qotw.Where my fellow writers opined their thoughts.
These are pretty amazing and reading -pleasurable.

Thanks for dropping the comment here, Enjoy the day.., 👍

I never asked myself what a miracle is...! Good question and very nice writing. I enjoyed reading it! Blessing, miracle, or just luck, it was good for you 😉

Yeah,sure, sir.
Thanks for your kind words. I am honoured that yoilu read the write till the end.I wrote this as a prompt and in extempore style.There would be some mis-timed points.. But, hope,readers would catch this pretty well.
Its my pleasure to have your critic..
God bless you,... 👍💗