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RE: Santa's little helper creates free energy just in time for Christmas! (how to charge infinite car batteries for free)

in ecoTrain2 years ago

I am finding your experiments fascinating and am also wondering what the block is to everyone knowing and using them.

Looking forward to the next one..


what the block is to everyone knowing and using them

TOTALLY! I really don't get it?

Have shown this to many people in the last week and most of them used the word "interesting" to describe what they saw yet will they ever test this out for themselves? Unlikely I would say.

Their loss.

Hey, I think you're going to find my next post very interesting. Electroculture is a combination of free energy and agriculture. Turns out these two things go together! And our fruit & veg can be bigger than we ever imagined...

Yes, they do. There are cations and anions in the various amendments I use and it was getting well beyond my capabilities to utilize that info. The fact I remembered the words is pretty good for me... So I will be curious to see what you post on this...