Appreciate this year and move on..

in ecoTrain3 years ago

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The year is about to end and I know you have different thoughts that are in your head , you will often think about how you started the year and where you are right now and where you hope to be in the new year that is about to arrive..

Things might not go well the exact way you want it to be but you should be grateful for whatever you have achieved no matter how little it sounds..

You have to make sure that you are not bothered too much about how the year went for you , there were challenges both left and right but at least you are alive till today, what does not kill you make you stronger...

Because you did not get all the achievements this year does not mean that you should make yourself feel so bad and frustrated. , next year is just around the corner and you can still get alot of achievements in the new year so do not lose hope at all because there is still going to be light at end of the tunnel..

Even if it is only one thing you were able to achieve this year then still be grateful for it , infact what you should be doing right now is to start writing down how you want your life to be as we are moving closer to a new year , you should start having plans on how you want to get achievements by next year and what you plan to achieve by 2022..

If you were not able to achieve anything this year , it does not stop you from achieving something next year so do not allow that get your frustrated...what should be your focus is how to make your life better as we are getting closer to 2022.

So what you should be doing as you move closer to the end of the year is that you should keep working on the plans of how you want to get success in whatever you do should also state out the exact thing which you really wish to accomplish by the new year that is coming..

I also believe that maybe too much focus on goals is the reason why we feel disappointed and assume that we are not doing well enough , maybe that is why we keep thinking we have failed and we do not deserve to celebrate ourselves.. ..we we have to be careful of negative thoughts which makes you feel you have not done makes you feel this year offered you nothing and that is not true..

This year ,i was happy that I consistently was doing alot of reading everyday and the reading truly helped to improve my knowledge about all the aspects on life, those knowledge really made me to become more valuable and made me to have more knowledge and I always have something to talk about..

The bottomline of this whole writeup is that you are not a failure , you should not hurt yourself because you feel you did not achieve something meaningful this year , just move on and focus on how you can get great achievements in the new year and stick to your plans of making it happen..


This year is fair to me so I appreciate it so far so good..

Okay cool...thanks

You are welcome

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You're welcome @hakeema, that's with pleasure!