ecoTrain QOTW Season 9.7 - What does success look like from a spiritual perspective?

in ecoTrain2 years ago

When I ask my friends what success looks like from a spiritual perspective, I have different answers from different people.
My first question was “what do you understand about spirituality?” one said, “spirituality is another world from this world, it is the world where everything has been orchestrated. In this planet we are, i mean earth; earth is divided into two components-:
Physical- this is the world where we can see each other, talking to each other and competing with each other. Earth comprises the sun, moon, human beings and many more. Were we are right now is the earth, wherever any country you’re in the world, you are in the earth. As far as you still exist as a human being.
Spiritual Realm: A world you can not see with your naked eye, a world full of spirit beings, a world where distance is not a barrier to you and me. A world where you have to be spiritual to see what is in it.
Another said, “spirituality is a realm of belief system where you have a strong connection with divinity through many sources. Some have connections through Bible, Quran, sun, stone, tree, and so on.
Spiritual world is an unseen world around us only spiritual men and women can have access to. This world is full of unseen things to us and these unseen things can see us. This world is beyond more than sensory things .
But there is a connection between the spiritual realm and physical realm. 1john 4: 7-8, “ for there are three things that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these are one. 8. And there are three things that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the Water and the Blood: and these three agree in one.
Hence, the connection between these two worlds is “SPIRIT” you can only see into the spirit world through spirit.
To draw what success looks like in the spiritual perspective, success in the spiritual perspective might not be the same as the physical world. Being rich in this physical world is the ability to have wealth and investment, ability to have affluence, be able to control people, have power to do whatever you want in terms of money, fame and positions, ability to accomplish assignment or task or vision.
Success in spiritual perspective means our faith to stand firm, unmovable in the face of challenges, trials and tribulations, Mr Gedion said, “though i am poor physically but i am rich in the spirit because i can never sick in my life” i began to see through his premises that success in spiritual perspective is being healthy.
I asked him a question, Mr Gedion, why do you conclude that sound health is what spiritual success is to you?
“Well! People often view success in spiritual as the same as physical: for me it is sound health in my spirit, body and soul. I don’t have any sickness, am always happy and hardly sad; I have a good connection with divinity through meditation and whenever I meditate I am always happy in the spiritual realm.
“Sometimes, I don't feel like stopping while meditating, and I always meditate on good things, I mean very good things. Meditation is like a medication to my spirit, body and soul.
“ I can not lie to you, I am stinkingly successful in the spiritual realm. I have friends that do not enjoy sound health in their body, they have spent thousands on their health: yet, they are not healthy, they go to hospital for treatment to manage their health, they are scared about their health.
“I also have friends whose souls are not healthy, they are in confusion, they are afraid, they can’t think healthy, they can not reason well. I always think good things, wishing everyone good luck, is this not enough to justify my success from a spiritual perspective. I am mentally good, physically sound, and socially awesome. ” said Mr Gedion.

in spiritual perspective success means from a spiritual means the ability to be versatile and able to see far in the spiritual realm, ability of your third eye to be opened and see clearly in the spiritual realm. We have the third eye which is the eye we use to see in the spiritual realm: some people can look at you and tell your past and future. They foresee and foretell the future, they have the ability to see your future and tell you what is in the future for you, and they can tell you your past without knowing you. Someone with this attribute is successful from a spiritual perspective.

Thank you


very nice stay healthy :) !1UP

thank you my big friend


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