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RE: ecoTrain Question Of The Week Tie Up Post S6-#8: Should we have children whist so many kids are suffering today

in ecoTrain3 years ago

I believe that we must always have hope, but even I myself have questioned if I really should have children, I am already missing the bus and I have thought that suddenly God is saving me from something, but we must also think that we are judging the situation from the reality of our countries, specifically the Latinos, that very few provide the economic and social security that exists in other countries, especially some in Europe or Asian countries, as well as many others that provide more and better comforts and whose standard of living is much higher. It seems that the solution is to leave "our" country in order to have a better quality of life that gives us the possibility to have and maintain a descendant. And at this point, I ask myself another question, where is our right to procreate and perpetuate the species, which as "animals" we are called to follow by instinct?