ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 8.4: If Not You Then Who? If Not Now Then When?

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Ecotrain thanks for this amazing question of this week and the previlege give to me to express my feelings to was this amazing question of the week.
If not me then who? I am who I am, I don't take action on purpose I take action when it occurs, life is all about taking action, in Life always take action, without action you can make it in Life, life is all about taking action.

If not now then when? In Life you most always take action in anything you desire in Life, if you can't take action when is necessary it will be bad. Always do what is necessary in Life, without taking action in Life you will loose a lot of things in life.



Always be humble in life, be kind to people, be good to people, be nice to people, be yourself do not give up in life, always give yourself courage to take action, be friendly to people but don't trust any one.

Take action when it useful, always take action when useful don't allow anyone to stop you on what decision you want to take.

Don't be selfish to your follow humans. Always take action when required.