What does success look like from a spiritual perspective?"

in ecoTrain2 years ago

The topic is really very difficult. So I have been trying to learn a few books on this topic for a few days now.
But how neatly I can write.
I do not know
But I am trying my best.

"How to see success from a spiritual point of view?"

I would first like to divide this question into two parts.

  1. Spirituality
  2. Success

Now I will first try to discuss spirituality.

Basically spirituality is a human feeling. It is a state of mind or feeling which is completely controlled by love, contentment, joy or excitement.
Since spirituality is an invisible thing. It can no longer be seen with the naked eye. It is only to be realized with the heart.



This time I will try to write about success.

Success is something that is easy to spot.
For example,
Someone has a house, a car, gold jewelry and a lot of wealth.
Or someone is much better at studying. Many get good job opportunities with good results.
People generally recognize these as successes.

But in my opinion, happiness is inextricably linked with success.
Rich, poor, happy, unhappy in society; Different styles of people live. But nowadays happy people are like a golden stone bowl. Not everyone can be happy. But it does not cost money to be happy. It is possible to be happy if you have your own will. If you are satisfied with what you have, it is not difficult to be happy when you find happiness. Happiness is a relative matter.
But remember, being rich is not the only way to be happy. Happiness can be found in small huts.

In this context, I would like to give you an example.

Femi Otedola, a wealthy businessman who owns a Nigerian oil company, once shared a lot about the unknown in his life in a radio interview. At one point in the conversation, the presenter asked him, "Do you have any memories of when you thought you were the happiest and most successful person in the world?"

Otedola then said, "In my life I have gone through four stages in search of happiness and success. Then finally I have found true happiness and success.

The first stage was to earn as much wealth as possible. But even after achieving everything, I did not find happiness.

The second stage was to buy expensive and luxurious items. I thought I would get happiness through this. But this time I did not see happiness.
Then in the third stage I started taking big projects on my own. At one time I was the supplier of 95% diesel in Nigeria and Africa. I had the biggest ship in Africa and Asia. But even then I was not happy.

In this situation, the restlessness of my mind was increasing.
Just then a friend of mine asked me to buy a wheelchair for 200 disabled children.
My friend asked me to hand over the wheelchairs to the disabled children myself.
At the request of a friend, when I was handing over the wheelchairs to the children. And when they got the wheelchairs, they were sitting on them and running around. What a strange smile on the face of one of them. As if a happier day has never come in their life.


Then when I was about to leave the ceremony, suddenly a child grabbed my leg. I tried to pull my legs away from him, but the baby held his legs tighter and stared at me with one glance.

I knelt down and asked the child, 'Do you need anything else?'

The baby said, ‘I want to remember your look better. If we meet in Paradise, may I recognize you and thank you once more for this day. '

Femi Otedola's two-eyed dam broke in response to the small child. She hugged the little baby and cried.

"This small incident has not only made me happy, it has changed the meaning of my life since then," said Femi Otedola. Today I know what the definition of success is. And with that success, I want to live to death.

"How to see success from a spiritual point of view?"
This is my analysis. This is the success in spiritual vision. It can be realized only with the heart. Not in anything else.