in ecoTrain2 years ago

What should we eat to be healthy and lively? "
Another nice new question means a chance to think anew.
My gratitude to the organizers of this community.
Facing new questions every week, to give us a chance to think about new things.


We all know that in order to make life beautiful, happy and fulfilling, first of all you need a healthy, strong and fresh body. And for this we need proper nutrition. The nutritional value of the members of a society depends on its overall condition. Food is the first human need after birth. This food is the carrier of nutrition.

Foods that promote body growth, development, replenishment and development of manpower are called nutritious foods. When such food brings health to the body, it is said to have been nourished. That is, nutrition is a biological process through which food works for physical growth, replenishment, and energy production.

Foods that basically have 6 main nutrients. These are: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water. These nutrients keep the body's metabolism active, provide energy for all kinds of work and help keep the body healthy.

I always try to follow some health tips to stay healthy and vibrant. InshaAllah I will share pictures of some food of my daily life in this post. Like:

I try to keep enough fibrous grains in my breakfast list. Such as: wheat, maize, beans, beans, barbati, sajna data, fruits and yogurt. Because it fills the stomach instantly and also keeps the stomach clean, that is, it eliminates constipation But fruit means apples, not grapes Rather, when the fruit is available, it means eat seasonal fruit It also increases immunity







Also winter vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower are my favorite vegetables. All these vegetables help to reduce the risk of cancer. I use ginger, garlic, onion in cooking vegetables. Because as far as I know - this onion, garlic, helps prevent cancer. And ginger kills bacteria and keeps the stomach clean So I try to keep all these vegetables on my food list. According to the World Health Organization, vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times a day People who eat more fruits and vegetables also have a lower risk of asthma or allergies.

Milk is on my daily food list. However, I eat this fresh milk before going to bed at night. Alhamdulillah, my night's sleep is very satisfying. However, nowadays many people cannot eat milk directly due to allergies. In that case something else made of milk can be eaten. Milk contains vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. That is why it is also called balanced diet. Also, eating fish, meat or eggs twice a week is enough. Marine fish contain omega three fats, which help prevent aging.









For example, I like to eat beef and chicken 2/3 days a week. Sugars and glucose are needed for the development of the human brain It is found in various fruits, breads, sweet potatoes, noodles, fish-meat, nuts, etc. Then I like to eat small and big fish for the remaining two days.
The other two days I eat my food with vegetables and eggs. Because egg yolk is also beneficial for the brain

I drink at least three to four liters of water every day. But not a sweet mixed drink, that is, not cola, fanta or something like that Oh yes, avoid salt and sugar to keep yourself healthy and beautiful, avoiding high blood pressure or diabetes. Note that in the case of sugar, it should be made naturally, that is, brown sugar and salt should contain iodine and fluoride.

The most important thing is to stay healthy and lively - you have to learn to say no to any type of fast food.
Scientists say fast food increases the risk of asthma by about 40 percent So you have to make a habit of eating healthy food from childhood

In addition, I try to walk 30 minutes to 1 hour every day In addition to the movement of hands and feet, it will also enjoy the open air, which plays a huge role in staying 'fit' It is better to have someone by your side while walking, otherwise walk alone for a while Come back and see how the body and mind both feel! Walking or exercise also helps to increase the body's resistance to disease

As far as I know, all these foods will play a very beneficial role in keeping a person healthy and vibrant.
Hope everybody on this site also had a great day!

Thanks everyone

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the tips :)

 2 years ago  

These are great tips and everyone has different ways to eat healthy meals you have listed your own routines and I can agree that they are the good food that needs to be eaten to remain healthy. Thank you for sharing your thought in the Ecotain community.