We need awareness in coronavirus situations...

in ecoTrain4 years ago

At the present time the whole world is in a state of panic. This panic is growing every day. And the name of this panic is Corona virus epidemic.Just as the number of victims is increasing day by day all over the world, the number of deaths is also increasing day by day. Which is a sign of grave danger for us.


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We are still healthy, thank God for that. But day by day we hear the news that some of the people around us are infected. Which is very sad.So first of all, we should be aware of this situation.


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Every day we have to go out for daily necessary work or official work. Then we do not know ourselves, how safe are we? Because, every day we have to fight against an invisible virus.

When will the current situation end? We can't tell anyone clearly.So first of all we have to be aware. Only then will the government and people of a country be able to fight this epidemic together.


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We all need to remember, government by the people. People are not aware if they want to. Then it is impossible for the government to make the people aware.

So at all times we should be aware of the following.

  • Do not go out of the house unless necessary
  • Wearing a face mask all the time when we go out.
  • Clean our hands with sanitizer or Savlon a little at a time
  • Do not shake hands or hug easily
  • Not eating food outside the house
  • When we get back home with hand sanitizer, how long to wash our hands thoroughly.

Coronavirus prevention is just as important for us as awareness. So let's be aware first. Then our world will be better.

So we should be aware of ourselves and help the government and the whole world. Then our family will be as healthy. So will be healthy, our relatives and the whole world.

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I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am Bangladeshi and proud to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi because I love my country so much. Because this is my motherland. I am engaged in the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to learn and do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and like to learn something new. I always think of myself as a student of nature. Because we have a lot to learn from nature. I just try small to learn. I love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I have been trying to write since I was a child and that is why I often fall behind in writing. I try to respect people. I think if you respect someone, your self-esteem does not decrease but increases.

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