My favorite nature experiences

in ecoTrain2 years ago

My favorite nature experience is taking walks in the woods. I enjoy hiking and camping as well, but going for leisurely hikes through the forest or walking on trails along the river is my preferred form of exercise. This is where I find inspiration for writing stories that happen in this setting. When I am alone with nothing to do but enjoy nature, it helps me think about what my characters must be feeling and thinking when they're faced with difficult situations. There have been many times when one of those ideas has sparked a short story idea that turned into something much longer than just a flash fiction piece.

Walking through the woods is especially enjoyable during these early summer months when everything is green and lush and full of life. The air feels warmer, too, so there's no need for any sort of jacket or sweater. It's warm enough to not wear long sleeves but cool enough that you don't sweat just by breathing.

There was a time when we had more forests like this near where I grew up. Nowadays, though, I'm lucky if I can see any trees at all from where I live. Instead, the only greenery I come across is in places that were designed specifically for people to spend time outdoors. These "public" spaces are often crowded with people who want to get away from their homes for some fresh air. They're also usually filled with a lot of noise. People talk loudly on cell phones, play music loudly on their earbuds, and generally make a lot of racket. Walking among them can be exhausting after a while. It makes me appreciate the quietness of nature even more.

I've always loved nature. My earliest memories are of being outside. Even now, I try to take a walk every day. It doesn't matter how hot or cold it might be outside. If I could go out for a hike right now, that would be great. Unfortunately, it's too late in the afternoon for that. Still, though, I can still close my eyes and imagine what it would be like to take a walk through the woods.

I would like to share with you a memory I had when I went for a walk in the woods. It took place several years ago. Back then, I lived in a tiny town.

One day, I decided to explore a nearby state park. It wasn't very large, but it was nice because it was mostly empty. I used to go here quite frequently, sometimes to write, and other times simply to escape from reality for a little while.

The first thing I noticed when I arrived was that there weren't many people around. The weather had been kind of cloudy earlier, but it cleared up shortly before I got there. There was a slight breeze blowing, which made me feel more comfortable. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Not really what I'd call proper attire for walking through the woods, but it served its purpose.

It was such a lovely spring day that I didn't mind getting a bit dirty. I brought a backpack with some water and snacks inside, but I never ended up using anything. That was fine with me since it meant I could keep my hands free. As soon as I started moving through the forest, I felt like I was transported back in time. The air smelled fresh and clean, which helped me clear my head.

As I walked along, I began to notice how peaceful this place was. There weren't even any insects flying around. Everything seemed so quiet and serene. I felt like I was far enough away from everything that I could forget about everything else for a while.

When I finally reached the clearing where I planned to set up camp, I sat down on a fallen tree to rest for a while. It felt nice to lie down and stretch out my legs. That was when I heard a rustling sound behind me. I knew immediately that someone was approaching.

I turned around, but I couldn't see anyone. No one was there. I stood up, scanning the area again. When I did, I noticed movement off to my left. I looked carefully, but still couldn't figure out what I was seeing. I stepped closer, trying to make out any details. Then it hit me. I knew exactly what it was. It was a bird—a huge bird!


It was sitting on top of a dead log. Its wings were spread wide, and it was staring at me with its bright red eyes. I stood there for a minute or two, just watching the bird. It didn't move. The sun was shining directly on it, and I could tell that it was warm outside. I figured it must be hot and tired.

After a few moments, I decided to walk over to get a better look. I thought it would be fun to get a picture and share this on social media. Maybe it would make someone laugh or smile. I could already hear a bunch of people saying, "Oh wow!"

So I approached slowly. Just as I got close, the bird jumped into the air and flew away. I watched as it soared high above the trees and disappeared into the distance. I hoped that someday I would be able to see it again.

One of the things I love most about nature is its ability to inspire creativity. For instance, writing stories that occur in nature can spark the imagination and help me think about different ways my characters might react in certain situations. And there's nothing more inspiring than the sound of running water. It gives me ideas for new settings and adventures. Sometimes, this inspiration comes to me when I'm listening to music, but for the most part, it happens when I am immersed in nature.

When I listen to the sound of flowing water, I imagine myself swimming in a pool of water that is deep and crystal clear. It's always surrounded by the lush vegetation found in tropical jungles. The sun shines brightly overhead, and the birds sing their songs in the treetops. I am weightless and completely relaxed. I am in my own little world. No one can bother me. Where I don't have to worry about anything except where I will swim next. It's such a freeing feeling.

Connecting with nature is important for everyone. We should do it more often. In fact, we should probably do it every day. But sometimes, it's hard to break free from our routines. Between work, school, family responsibilities, and all of the other obligations that fill up our schedules, spending time outside can seem impossible. But it's not.

If you take a few minutes out of your busy schedule each day to immerse yourself in nature, you'll find that it's actually easier than you think. There are so many ways to connect with nature, and they're all accessible to almost anyone.

You don't have to join a gym or pay for expensive yoga classes if you don't want to. Just walk outside. Go for a hike. Take a short drive to a nearby park. Sit on your porch and watch the birds fly by. Turn on some nature sounds—like wind chimes or crickets—and let them carry you away. Do you have a garden? Plant flowers and vegetables. Watching plants grow and being able to eat the fruit and veggies they produce is another way to enjoy nature.

It doesn't matter what you do. The point is to give yourself permission to relax and experience the beauty around you. Even if you're stuck indoors, you can still connect with nature. Look out the window and admire the sunshine streaming through the windows.

Listen to the raindrops falling against the glass. Try closing your eyes for a minute and imagining that you're lying underneath a canopy of branches instead. Breathe deeply, letting the fresh air fill your lungs and release any tension you may be holding onto.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


I definitely agree with you "just walk outside, go for a hike and take a drive to a nearby park " this sound like something I definitely love doing 💕💕

 2 years ago  

Beautiful post, full of inspired fantasy and the dreams nature elicits in us. Isn’t it amazing how nature stimulates art, be it writing, painting or music, all the best in each of these genres often have nature at the root. I love your bird story, that must’ve been something to witness, wow! Thank you for posting in the EcoTrain


Is with nature I got to understand that silence has a voice and when the breeze blows, it gives one the genuine feeling of calmness.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.