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RE: What I'm I Most Grateful For In Life? (ecoTrain QOTW)

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)

@josediccus, reading this post reminds me a lot, especially some challenges I have faced in life, however I'm grateful to God for the gift of life which is a blessing. I'm also grateful for everything that happened as a result of motivations from external sources.

As for me, aside from our parents whom God used to bless us in life, God also use friends or partner to be a source of blessings to one. However, not everyone is lucky enough to get the right person who may be a source of motivation and hence lives a miserable life, and this why I'm also grateful enough to have sweet people around me...

 3 years ago  

Not everyone is lucky, being lucky doesn't mean we're good or bad, sometimes some people are just lucky out of the ordinary, no matter what they truly deserve.

@josediccus, yeah, you're right brother

It's really nice reading this particular post of yours, it means a lot to me.