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RE: QOTW Season 10.4 | Is the world overpopulated and what can we do to solve the issue? | 2022

in ecoTrain2 years ago

You just brought up another point that drives mine home.


Its not about having less kids, its about moving towards where there is an abundance of time and space.

There are empty castles all over europe, I bet those kids in manilla who are living 10 to a room would love the opportunity to bring them back to life.


Hey, @metzli . Redistribution is one of the things that can potentially have a big impact on this issue. I get it. I also know about those castles in Europe, but have not really connected it with this issue. Hmmm.. Thanks for bringing it up, I now see the inequitable distribution of wealth even more. It is really a great divide. Thanks for the insightful comment.