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RE: What's with the weight? Do you believe our true Wealth is our Health?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Nainaz, I've always loved and supported you, but if I might interject here, Acid actually did reply to you and quite nicely and reasonably really. Yes, there are accounts that post a lot and earn well, but there are way more that don't. I see a lot of effort that goes mostly unrewarded and those people would be over the moon to have what you have still gotten even after the downvotes.

Please don't take this personally. It's not what I've come to know of you as a thoughtful, caring person. I know that a downvote can be upsetting initially, but if you take a moment you'll see that the ocd downvote doesn't even remove the ranchorelaxo vote.


Your diplomatic skills far exceed mine! :-)

 3 years ago (edited) 

@joshman, I hear you out on your comment.
The 60 and 80$ vote is for Commitment, Dedication, Sincerity, Community Engagements, Involvement, Contribution, Hard work, Discipline, Bringing value, Working for a cause and over and above all putting my Heart and Soul + 400 words into my work passionately for the past 4 years, every single day.

 3 years ago  

Thanx @minismallholding. I agree with you. It was a bit overwhelming for me. I accept my reaction was not the fairest and I dont shy off from that. But still some concerns I do have , this is more about a whale wars and nothing else which is sad. Else every single person on hive should be treated similarly and not only some.
Anyways I end the matter here with all due respects to everyone.
Peace @acidyo