In the garden: Transplanting (it’s beginning to look a lot like strawberries)

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)

Tomatoes, thyme, bell peppers

On 25 March I sowed some tomato and bell pepper seeds. It was time to put the tomato seedlings in a bigger pot as the roots were popping out of the airpots.

Now the tomato seedlings are transplanted along with my propagated thyme plants (which I shared in a previous post).

The bell peppers are looking great. They will also be ready for transplanting soon.

These plants are still enjoying the warmth of my kitchen as it is still too cold outside for these tropical plants.

Strawberries and more Strawberries

I planted 16 garden center bought strawberries seedlings. They are looking good and I am not the only one noticing. My kids assist in the garden specifically to watch the miraculous transformation - from flowers to buds, to baby green strawberries. Now it is highly likely I will have ripened strawberries very soon. Look at these which are beginning to show that familiar red color.

I decided to add some more strawberry plants and might have gone a bit overboard. I bought 20 plants from a strawberry grower. Was I a bit over-enthusiastic?
After opening the box, I was doubting whether I made the right decision. Why? The roots looked so fragile - they hardly looked like strawberry plants. Do you see what I mean?

However, I have faith in Mother Nature.
The reason I bought from a strawberry grower is because I could choose plants which will provide fruit all summer long and until the first fall frost. This will give us a longer period of enjoying strawberry goodness.

There are numerous types of strawberries but I bought these 4 types. The harvest times are as follows:

  1. Verdi - middle of June
  2. Korona - middle of June
  3. Malwina - end of June to the beginning of July
  4. Ostara - July to September

Soon enough, I realised that I did not have the best pots for my new “strawberry roots”; so I needed to plant them temporarily in grow bags.

I ordered pots from the strawberry grower but they did not fit on my balcony rail. It seemed like my dream of unlimited strawberries was not mean to be. Delete that thought however - I persevered and found these pots which hang perfectly over the balcony. Now my plants have a permanent home.

Here are a few important tips for growing strawberries in pots.

  1. The plants should receive a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight per day.
  2. The potting soil should contain sufficient organic matter for the plant to thrive.
  3. The pots should have adequate drainage. Strawberries plants like moisture but not standing water.

As time progresses, I will share more photos.

Although I live in the city - growing organic plants in organic soil is still better than any store bought pesticide ladened version. I am looking forward to my first harvest!!!

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Here is a photo of “Healthy, Happy, Green” garden today. I will share periodically.


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Your garden is big. I like those strawberries.


My garden takes up about 1/4 of my balcony - about a 4.5 m area. It is not so big but it might be for a city home garden.

For a home garden that's quite decent.


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 2 years ago  

You will definitely enjoy your garden with enough strawberries and other plants you planted. I love to have my own garden someday too so I can enjoy the benefit of nature around me. Enjoy your harvest when it's time.

Many thanks @princessbusayo - I love my garden and watching it grow. I really wanted to start a garden but love living in the city so I started in pots/grow bags and in the table garden shown in the foto. It does not need to be big - planting in pots is very handy.

This is beautiful dear, looking at your garden and seeing how well they are faring I can feel the love and care you shower them with and that's what they need more especially when the weather is not good for them.

Your garden is beautiful and amazing dear😍😍.

Many thanks @hopestylist - I do shower my plants with love. I feel they reciprocate by growing so well. My friends are often amazed that everything grows so well in this small space.

Yeah and it's because of the love you show to them❣️🥰.

I'm sure you are looking forward to a bountiful harvest!
Can't wait for pictures.
Do update us if you will!

Yes I am indeed @silversaver888 - I am already enjoying a variety of lettuce, arugula and radishes. I will most definitely keep you updated.

Looking forward to it, @momogrow !!!

To be honest I didn't want this blog to end. It was therapeutic reading this on the big screen of my laptop. I love strawberry plant ever since I was kid and reading what you are doing with this wonderful plant warms my heart. Too bad that the roots of the new sets you bought look fragile but with your diligent care and mother nature at your side I am certain they will grow and produce the best organic fruit at the end of the season.

Thanks for sharing your garden adventure with us.

Aww thank you for your kind comment. I am happy that I can share my garden journey with you and that it is also therapeutic for you as it most certainly is for me. The "strawberry roots" have settled nicely are beginning to look like strawberry plants. Those are the one hanging from the balcony. By time I share the next photos - they should have some more leaves. I will also have some strawberries from the other plants. Looking forward.

You have truly obtained beautiful strawberry plants @momogrow, congratulations.

Yes thank you. They are beginning to grow having changed from looking mostly like roots to having green leaves. Yay !!!


I think you loved seeing the strawberries. Hehe

strawberries are great 😍