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RE: [ESP - ENG] ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 5 #1: It's a Secret, But is it good to have secrets?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Really nice post! I have a bunch of things that I keep to myself, not because I don't want to share them, but because I literally don't have anyone to share them with, hahaha. I've learned to live with that and I've extracted great strength from it, but it hasn't been a bed of roses. Secrets can be a terrible burden, even as they can be a biggest source of power.

You've been curated by @drrune for Natural Medicine's curation project aimed at supporting a spiritual life, including gratitude and kindness practices, yoga & all kinds of meditation, shadow work and living a life of meaning.


Greetings @naturalmedicine There are secrets that are usually easier to tell, or it is easier for us to talk about them, but there are some that we must definitely keep them and learn to fight with them. Thanks for reading, for commenting and for your support.