Eating Out as a Vegan Made Easy

in ecoTrain3 years ago

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It’s the time of Christmas dinners and restaurant visits with colleagues, friends or family. And what once seemed to be easy and fun can be a little more complicated when nothing on the menu is vegan and especially not raw.

Here are a few tips how you still get to enjoy dining out with this new lifestyle:

💫 If you got a saying in where to go, check some restaurants beforehand and see if they have plant-based options available.

💫 If there are no vegan main meals on the menu, side dishes are often plant-based and a great option to put together your own meal.

💫 Especially if you are enjoying the raw lifestyle like myself, the options on the menu get very slim. An easy solution - most places have some form or salads on their menu. Simply bring your own sauce (you can ask beforehand if they are ok with that) and let them put together a salad without any non-vegan or cooked items on it.

💫 Don’t go out hungry. Even if you planned ahead, there is always a chance that the restaurant doesn’t have any great options available after all. Be prepared and eat something beforehand, just in case.

💫 Look forward to the time when vegan restaurants are the new norm and raw options are a must-have on every menu - the future is plant-based!

If you could use some delicious inspiration for the holiday season, check out my ebook with simple everyday meals (📸 like this salad with my creamy Garden Ranch Dressing) as well as more creative recipes to surprise your friends and family with on Christmas gatherings. 🙌🏻🎄You can download your copy right away via this link.

Have a bright day, everyone! Anais

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