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RE: The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Homestead Hodgepodge

in ecoTrain2 years ago

I am quite sure I need that cooky recipe!

I have been looking through photos from a year ago, and can confirm my flowers are at least two weeks behind compared to last year. For example, my iris are just now starting to bloom, but last year they started the last week of April. I wonder how the lilacs are coming along at Manito Park? I had good intentions of checking them out this spring, but might have missed the opportunity. Then again, with the weird weather we've had, they might be blooming now.

So it's not too late to start some squash seeds indoors? I might just do a bit of that, too, now that I've finally made up my mind to plant a few things. I have lots of seeds, and finally have a bit of energy as well.


Oh yes! Especially because JT can eat them! I'll post it later this week!

It's wild because the lilacs haven't even budded out here on the farm, but as I see it is going to be in the 60's and maybe even, gasp, the 70's this coming week, I have a feeling things are going to catch up.

As far as the squash goes, why the heck not? is my motto these days, we might end up with a long-lasting summer or I might have to row cover my squash this fall, but with this late spring I am just going with the flow, we'll see if my squash pans out or not lol!

And I am so glad to hear you have a bit of energy😊