The Purpose of Life

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Hello Friends!

My post today is typically inspired by the movie "A Dog's Purpose." If you are a dog lover, I'm sure you must have seen this movie. I was not a dog lover until I saw this one. So it's about a dog who reincarnates into different characters with different owners. The movie revolves around the unconditional love the dog has for its owners, how it adds so much value to their life, and then ultimately how he meets his very first owner whom he loved the most. This movie is a must-watch!


Coming back to my post, if you think about your life, what purpose are you solving? Are you adding some value to someone's life or to the community in general or just living your life without any purpose, passing days every day eating and enjoying what comes your way.

I truly believe living your life with a purpose is very important, it gives you a sense of satisfaction. We might not realize it today when we are young at blooming in our careers. But it's definitely a realization when one grows old and gets into that spiritual kind of mode. It's then when we realize that we haven't done enough and in a way, we don't have much time or energy or spirits left by then - most of us. People who really wish to do great things do it at the last day of their lives as well.

The purpose of your life could be anything that adds less value to yourself and more value to others. Meaning it should not be selfish. It could be feeding the poor, offering help to NGOs, doing something for the environment, or anything you feel would make others happy. Others who are not very close to you but yet deserve your attention.

So sit back and think today about the purpose of your life. If you are able to answer this question, great, please do reply and inspire others here on this post. And if you are not, don't worry and start it now!

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 2 years ago  

I agree with you @sugandhaseth that we all should have our goals cut out but I don't think this feeling comes only when one becomes old. One can feel and live a meaningful life even when he is young. A nice thought!

Yeah that's true. But mostly we keep enjoying our life and don't realize this till we grow old and have nothing to do. If we realize this earlier, nothing better.

 2 years ago  

Every human beings on earth have different purpose and when we identify it, it would be easy to work in line to help others live a meaningful life. One of our purposes is to make others smile and happy which will definitely please God. Thanks for sharing.

Bringing smiles is an eternal bliss, blessed are those who are able to achieve this in life.

 2 years ago  

That’s a very apt description

The purpose of your life could be anything that adds less value to yourself and more value to others.

A collective conscience for good is, undoubtedly, the answer. Thank you for posting in the EcoTrain community


Thank you for you kind words 🤗

I watched this movie the other day as I like to have the TV on while writing. I made me think: our dog's life is just a tenth of our existence; while our life is the entire existence to our dogs. It made me both sad and inspired to make my dog's life the best fucking experience she'll ever have.

Yes, the very feeling that your dog will not live as long as you live is scary. I have a cat and I get the same feeling. But this is how nature works.