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RE: Day Four For The Thermophilic Compost. The First Turn.

in ecoTrain2 years ago

I believe this is like what I once read. You can use this process to create compost manure, right? I remember that after separation and maybe covering them up for some time, the heat comes up. Wow! This is wonderful. One of your pictures even shows the heat-smoke emanating from the compost.
Welldone, @dynamicgreentk


I used 5 gallon buckets to measure out everything. I used 40 of them total. The manure is considered high nitrogen; the more fresh the higher in N it will be. I used 15% High N (manure) for the pile.

Wow, I see a lot of effort here, man! You are doing well. Now, I think I might be considering going back to some of my secondary school books then. 😁

The soil food web school has a great youtube library!

Oh my! Thank you very much. I will definitely go through it.