#ecotrain week 9.2 - "If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?"

in ecoTrain2 years ago

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Do you believe in God? I think we do have our own beliefs in the spiritual. Although we have so many religions, I do believe that is God's image in those religions. Because they all lead us to the better and increase kindness from the inside, I have a strong belief in God although we had to suffer many problems in this world.
War, pandemic, natural disaster, accidents, sickness... those things might happen in a person's life without any prediction or plan timing. And sad that it can be an end of life, but why do humans have to face those traumatic results. We all know that life is limited and living an immortal life is still impossible at the moment. Is immortal life an ideal? maybe not, but why do humans have to suffer so much in this world and with a short life compares to the universal.

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This is my own opinion and does not offend anyone or any religion, region. I think everything happens for a reason and facing disasters or pandemics gave me time to think and live slowly and reevaluate my life. Likely Covid 19, it came since no one was aware of it and cause a huge loss to our world. Even natural disasters came so suddenly and brings to our world a loss of spiritual and physical. Sometimes, I thought why is human life so miserable and God gave us so many challenges. Like a game of fighting for life, humans sometimes stand between the border of living and nonliving. And we have to be alert of dangers all the time and cherish our life. Because I saw many people who are undervaluing their life by harmful actions, that is really sad. People who facing sickness are trying to live every day and get over it while some people are ruining their life in many innocent ways.

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After all, I think God wants us to learn how to protect and cherish nature, people, and health. Nature can hear us as well, please be kind to our nature around us and protect it as it always protects us in floods, typhoons... And don't forget to take care of ourselves because we are not immortal, please take care of it as well as we can. I know we all have a lot of dreams and desires, before reaching those goals we had better be strong in both health and mind. This world has so much suffering that we had to face sometimes but please cherish everyone besides you (family, friends, love). Because this is the gift God gave to us, we should cherish these relationships cause of all the good things he gave to us already.

Thank you so much for reading my post.


Hi, sweetie. Interesting point of view, and it is appreciated that you shared it @winnietran . It's true, as long as we have life and make good use of it, we will enjoy it more.🌺😊🌺

Thank you so much @arialvi75 for reading and sharing your thought with me 😘

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