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RE: Baby steps toward food independence: nuts, nutella, apple juice, cider, apple cider vinegar, wine, bread & jams

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)

I'd like to learn more about your gardening plans. I was pretty excited to read your E-mail by the way. We really have a lot in common and there is a strong connection there. Specially the Mudra blew my mind. Did relate to that sunrise and the early hours of the day. I am sure you could grow garbanzo beans too? Herbs are so good. I think there are so many edible wild herbs for infusions but also really nutritious ones one could cultivate by replicating certain habitats they grow in. So many i'd like to learn more about. Cabbages are totally blowing my mind nowadays, specially since I had an intense dream about them in 2019. Apart from Savoy Cabbage and White cabbage, Collard Greens (Couve-galega) seem to really give me a vital feeling, after consumption. An American friend of mine from LA got me interested in fermenting vegetables and mushrooms. It's become something on my to do it list as well.

When Land is being maintained and someone lives there, it's better than if it lies vacant. Although some like to reign over their properties and get quite frugal. What you are doing out there although is magic and the land is thriving with you. I think that sensation must resonate. It at least does through your posts.

That Covid mention would have intrigued me as well. Specially when people who die from motorcycle accidents get the cause of death covid 19 on their death certificates. Specially disturbing one reads that people are admitted to hospitals on emergencies due to a vaccination side effect and vaccine companies don't hold any liability when that occurs. Technically the physicians administering these vaccines also sign a contract that they hold responsibility in the case of any side effects. Therefore these side effects then did not occur from the vaccine legally or officially. That's how they can suit their statistics to feed the narrative of a safe vaccine? I often hold back, because I don't want to be seen as a conspiracy theorist of some kind of be labelled a tin foil hat dude. Although I must admit I take everything into consideration at this point, maintain an open mind but keep my healthy ground. I also try to sneak through with my head down. After all if the vaccine is supposed to trigger an immune response, then that's for people that don't have one. The fact that no one realises the common occurrence of dysbiosis in our age and being oblivious of what constitutes to a good immune system is simply sad? Since they never asked us if we want a tracking device in our phone, they might not ask us if we want microprocessors and nano tech in our vaccines? Who knows? I have seen reports on nano tech in PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests and counter articles to discredit them. Maintaining common sense and keeping a healthy amount of scrutiny without resorting to paranoia through presumingly being duped by both sides during these times are crucial. I think there is a lot of money put in to feeding both sides. The old game, divide and conquer. Doesn't it get boring at some point? ..These Romans

About the trading. I'd probably bite my nails doing it, so I got into liquidity pools on cosmos. To me the Defi space only begins through the IBC. It marks a new paradigm. I also posted my first lead for Crypto Gems upon receiving your email. This one is about Cosmos. I also mention osmosis. It's a great dex for liquidity pools and buying new projects like Juno. Sifchain is another excellent Dex for liquidity pools. I will probably point out to some unknown projects as well. Some that haven't received attention at all, are compelling projects and true game changers. It seems like everyone is waiting for a major pump and dump with all the S&P Stocks that are in dollars now. BTC rally and then an altcoin rally like back in 2017? I think it might play out slightly different apart from the fact that it will take place. A lot of project offers the incentive of staking for APR, which might see projects that wont enter a crypto winter like last time?

Best Wishes to you and your fam my Brotha!