
This post actually wasn’t about that it was a different issue though that prompted me to think it was an interesting topic of discussion to explore. It was very separate to the other post regarding downvoting on post worth. This was more about an isolated incident which, I said I didn’t hate steemit to someone with power who came and downvoted all my posts and threatened to continue to do it till I also hated steemit. It bought up an interesting topic regarding online bullying.

Keep on whining about the downvote. You'll invite more downvote in the process. The problem with you people is that you thought the potential rewards are already yours even when they're not yet on payout. Before the payout on the 7th day, the potential reward still belongs to the reward pool. As one whale can allocate that reward to you, another whale can take it away.

Addendum: It's not censorship. It's merely reward distribution mechanism.

I’m making a post sharing my opinion. I’m fully entitled to do that as everyone else is.infact this particular post had nothing to do with smooth and being downvoted for lack of ‘worth’ it was an entirely different incident.

Of course, you do you. Keep it up.