Amazing benefits of Intentional breathing.

in ecoTrain2 years ago

When I first learned about intentional breathing it has blown my mind. I thought that breathing is breathing; we are doing this 24/7 so why would there be anything special in it. Well, I no it was not a clever idea.


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So I thought to share some of the amazing benefits I found by doing intentional breathing!

First let's see what is intentional breathing. It simply means we need to focus on our breathing for a few minutes. We need to put intention to in and out the airflow, use our nostrils, and occasionally mouth too.

It sounds very simple, I know. And that's why it amazes me because this simple process comes with so many benefits...

  • When you put intention to breathe, it shifts your focus for everything else for a few minutes and thus lows down your stress automatically.
  • Intentional breathing connects our mind and body. It uses the brain muscle more and thus works as an exercise. You may hear about breathing exercise or yoga, this is it.

  • It releases stress and makes us feel fresh instantly. Whenever you feel overwhelmed and exhausted, try to do this.

  • Also it helps us physically like helps our lungs muscle and produce more oxygen throughout the process.

People say that intentional breathing also improves our spiritual bonding. That's' why yogi and meditator do this. But feeling this needs really good focus. Even if you just think about the physical benefits, I guess it will motivate you.

The best thing is, you can do this whenever you want. In the movie, during a busy meeting, just before bed, on the subway; anywhere and any time.

Just start doing this, take a long breathe and release it for a few minutes and you will feel a lot better.


People say that intentional breathing also improves our spiritual bonding. That's' why yogi and meditator do this. But feeling this needs really good focus. Even if you just think about the physical benefits, I guess it will motivate you.

This is so true..

Indeed 👍

Very educating.. .


You are welcome