When you are alone...

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Some people get scared hearing the word 'alone'. We have to understand that there is a difference between alone and lonely. Alone time is good as long as you don't feel lonely. And to do that you can go something meaningful during your alone time.



But before that, try to figure out if you feel comfortable during your along time or you feel something negative about it and try to avoid it. If so, it's really necessary to figure out ways. Because along time can be enjoyable, meaningful, and productive. So maybe you have to take care of other things in your life first to make yourself comfortable in alone time.

By doing some meaningful activities during alone time can not only help you get rid of that discomfort but also it adds a great value in our life.

Do whatever you love during your time alone. It can be movie time, taking a nap, cooking, reading books or listening to music, even a good bath; anything. Make yourself with time alone by doing something interesting. You can work on something new to kill the boredom, something you long-cherished, some new learning. Make yourself busy in a meaningful way.

I do recommend you to not just scroll down your social media because that may raise your negative energy more. Rather involve yourself doing something nice and be in it, enjoy the moment, appreciate your time and life.

Once we start to feel comfortable with us, we will find so many things to do during alone time. It's not odd to pass alone time though the society may make you feel that way. Don't take that seriously. Enjoy your time and make it meaningful. I think this will help anyone to feel a lot better!