Moonwalk Fitness Introduces Moonboots

Moonwalk Fitness, a popular move-to-earn platform, has recently launched Moonboots, a new iOS app designed to improve step tracking for its users. This addition aims to enhance the overall experience for those participating in Moonwalk's fitness games.

Moonwalk Fitness 🏃‍♀️

Moonboots to improve step tracking for Moonwalk users

What is Moonwalk Fitness?

For those unfamiliar with the platform, Moonwalk Fitness combines physical activity with blockchain technology. Users can participate in various fitness challenges and games, tracking their steps and potentially earning rewards for their efforts. It's an innovative approach to encouraging a more active lifestyle.

Introducing Moonboots

Moonboots is Moonwalk's latest offering for iOS users. This dedicated app aims to streamline the step-tracking process, making it easier for participants to sync their activity with Moonwalk games. Here's what you need to know about Moonboots:

  1. iOS Compatibility: Designed specifically for Apple devices, ensuring smooth performance on iPhones.
  2. Simplified Step Syncing: Moonboots helps keep your step count up-to-date with your Moonwalk games.
  3. User-Friendly Setup: Getting started with Moonboots is straightforward, involving a simple download and account linking process.

Setting Up Moonboots

If you're interested in trying Moonboots, here's how to get started:

  1. Download the Moonboots app from the iOS App Store.
  2. Log in to your Moonwalk account through a web browser.
  3. Find your unique Moonboots login code in your Moonwalk profile settings.
  4. Open the Moonboots app and enter this code to link your account.

Why Consider Moonboots?

While Moonboots isn't revolutionary, it does offer some benefits for Moonwalk users:

  • Convenience: Having a dedicated app for step tracking can simplify the process for regular users.
  • Improved Accuracy: The app aims to provide more consistent step syncing with Moonwalk games.
  • iOS Integration: For iPhone users, Moonboots may offer better integration with the device's health tracking features.

The Small Beginning with Moonwalk Fitness

If you're not already a Moonwalk user and are interested in trying out this move-to-earn platform, now might be a good time to start with more comfortable environment. With the introduction of Moonboots, iOS users can potentially have a smoother experience tracking their activities.

To get started with Moonwalk Fitness, it is required to sign up.
Moonwalk Fitness 🏃‍♂️.

Moonboots represents Moonwalk Fitness's efforts to improve user experience for their iOS users. While it's not a game-changer, it could make participation in Moonwalk's fitness games more convenient for iPhone users. If you're looking for a way to combine fitness tracking with potential rewards, Moonwalk Fitness, now with Moonboots for iOS, might be worth exploring.