The Mind's Eye - Wednesday Theme │ Paintings from the heart.

in The Alliance4 years ago

Source in Pixabay.

Art is a part of souls devoted to a passion born from the heart. I feel deep admiration for artists and their work, in all its expressions.

Painting is one of them. There is an infinite number of works of art painted by many famous painters. But there are also those of street artists who come into your hands and become an object that more than being material, has deep emotional meaning.

This is the case of two paintings that have been in my mother's house for many years and are part of the family treasures.


One of them has a lot of meaning for me and is the one I show you today in the theme of the day in The Mind's Eye, an initiative of the @thealliance community, to which my friend @latino.romano invited me and in which I begin my participation today because it is a prestigious, loving community that supports good authors in HIVE.

This painting has been in my possession for many years (I would say almost 20), since my son will be 20 this October and that painting was acquired by me, a few months after the birth of my son.


There was a painter of these bohemians, who offered paintings on the doors of the houses. One day this man named Ebroul knocked on the door of my mother's house and offered her one of his paintings. It was very beautiful art, big pictures with very nice and well-delineated details.

Ebroul had long hair, a thick beard, and mustaches, I would say he had features like those of Jesus Christ (I remember him as such).

One day I asked him to paint me an image of the Virgen of La Caridad del Cobre, from a very small print, one of those that are carried in a wallet. Ebroul agreed to paint it and took it away.


The Virgen of La Caridad del Cobre has a very special meaning for me. When I got married, it was a long time before I could get pregnant. That's when I asked God and the Virgen of La Caridad in faith to grant me a son.

Many months went by before this happened because I suffer from a health condition called Ovarios Poliquisticos, in which the chances of conceiving a child are quite reduced. After all, the ovulation process is also diminished.

I asked with a lot of faith and offered that my son would be named Gabriel or Gabriela De La Caridad if this request was granted. However, I did so and he today bears his name with great pride.


Faith is a beautiful thing, perhaps many may think that this was not granted to me by faith.

However, I prefer to think and have the illusion that it was so because life cannot be all materialistic and cold, there must be part of our feelings, which believe that there is something beyond the logical and material, something that feeds the soul and makes us remember that we are alive, in a world that waits for us to be happy.

The painting is still in my power, here, in my mother's house. My son will be 20 years old this month, and I always remember Ebroul when he gave it to me, I felt great joy, it was the testimony and the memory that my Faith gave me the most beautiful thing that life has given me and that is, to be the Mother of Gabriel De La Caridad.

Thanks to @thealliance and @latino.romano for letting me know about these spaces and inviting me to participate, it is always nice to find good and warm places on the platform to make community.


The best voices are those born from the heart.

Thank you for taking the time for this reading.



All photographs are my property, except those where the source is indicated.

The green paragraph separators are the creation of the PHC (Powerhousecreatives) community and their use is authorized for its members.


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Animated banner created by the user @rpcaceres.


Source in @thealliance's blog .

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Algunos saben que soy no creyente, de hecho, soy excreyente. Sin embargo, la fe es algo muy personal y si hace feliz a una persona, entonces no hay que criticar ni cuestionar, siempre y cuando no le haga daño a nadie, todo está bien.

Un saludo a Gabriel de la Caridad, dichoso debe estar de tener una madre como tú.

Un abrazo, mi estimada.

En mi caso muy particular, la fé es uno de los motores de mi vida, aún y cuando respeto a quienes piensan diferente a mí. En el respeto de las creencias, está la base de la mejor convivencia. Gracias por pasar por mi publicación y aportarle inmenso valor con tu excelente comentario. Te abrazo también, querido @garybilbao.

Gracias por compartir tu contenido con la comunidad de El Arca (@elarca), el mismo ha sido votado por nuestra iniciativa de curación artística @stellae. Si deseas puedes delegar HP al proyecto: Delegate 25 HP Delegate 50 HP Delegate 100 HP Delegate 250HP Delegate 500HP

Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

Love the story about the painting! Sentimental value is priceless.

Thank you very much for your support and for this beautiful initiative in which I intend to continue participating. A big hug back. team @thealliance

Una historia muy bonita, de mucha Fe. Saludos @marybellrg

Muchisimas gracias, bella. La Fé mueve montañas, mil gracias por tu visita y tu aporte, eres siempre bienvenida, @mercmarg