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in Beatzchain3 years ago

didnt tune in, don't really discord but i was thinking i would chime in just because i think you should stick with hip hop branding, maybe hip hop/electronic, but if you get nft capabilities then maybe it's cool for whoever to get down. my personal opinion is that its better to hold off and build yr userbase naturally rather than open up to anyone and dilute what you got going on...musicforlife is great but its way too much basic pop covers and blah blah....of course im in the minority as an avant garde college radio outsider hip hop dj type guy. i think m4l would be better of you could divide tabs by genres, that way you could only see the things you want to see. not hating on the tribe, they did a wonderful service to hive!

also in surprised by how much the beatcz are worth already!

 3 years ago  

I'll keep that in mind I was thinking like we support hip-hop, makes since because there's no other tribe for hiphop. I got the idea to be multi genre because of the NFTs people could really sell those things with music. As for now with what I want to do on hive is actually impossible (as for right now)