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RE: Multi-Planetary Species : Old Beliefs will change

Thanks for the feedback!
It is all about the philosophy, believe in something that will make the life beautiful.
There are many set of beliefs floating around in the market, choose the best one for you and be flexible to change for best.
I have read one post of @ryzeonline where he is explaining about the Hive, that was a good read.
Will surely check the link mentioned.


my pleasure.

believe in something that will make the life beautiful.
There are many set of beliefs floating around in the market, choose the best one for you and be flexible to change for best.

I agree 100%. Being flexible to change is always the best way to be for most.

and glad you read J's Hive guide and enjoyed it. I feel like you might enjoy the one I linked above as well. You have a similar view on change that @ryzeonline and myself have. Which is why I shared.
