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RE: Abidin Dino Park and Incublus Daily - Abidin Dino Parkı ve Günlük Düşünceler

in Hive TR2 years ago

Man, that sucks about your neighbor. Hopefully they realize how stupid they are acting once they lose your help. I have been watching the inflation going on around the world and Turkey is getting crazy with how expensive things are getting. It really sucks that the governments of the world only care about keeping themselves rich while making their own citizens suffer so much. Hopefully things can change for the better soon.


By the time they realize it, it will be too late and they will probably be scammed because I didn't help. Then I hope they call me and I laugh in their face.

Everyone already sees what is happening with the cost. Everything is at least 2.5 times more expensive than last year. Some things are four times more expensive. I think we have to get used to it. But I hope, like you said, I hope everything will at least stabilize and people can plan accordingly. It's hard to deal with prices changing every day.