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RE: 5 Easy and Simple Ways Reducing Plastic

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

omg Macccc thanks for inviting me to the community and to join the challenge! :'D I actually found the discord server recently, saw this contest when announced and was tempted to participate.

The plastic pollution is a very interesting topic indeed. One of the cool things I realized about Argentina (where I live now) is that they have this environmentally aware culture, here plastic bags have extra cost too so it's normal to see people doing ther shoppings with cloth shopping bags, something I found amazing since I was used to people always using plastic bags in venezuela even though the cloth ones existed in there, it simply wasn't part of the environmetal culture of Venezuela.

Also, I don't remember if it was this year or last year (probable last year) that here in Argentina straws got outlawn for restaurants or any food related business, I remember I was in Starbucks and the guy just gave me the frapuccino without straw and I was like wth then I asked for a straw and guy gave a cardboard one! Here they might give you a non-plastic straw only if you ask for it.

Though, I started to recycle and took all of my plastics to these little cabins that are on each district of the city where you can put your separeted trash (you know plastics, paper, glass, etc) and got a little bit sad when seeing the cabins inside are a disaster, but well that shouldn't stop me from recycling I think. I'm still satisfied with this environmetally aware culture of Argentina :)

Awesome post! Thanks for the mention! I'll try to participate :)


Nice, they have weekly contest with some interesting questions, it would be great to see you participating. Also, that's interesting about Argentina, it has similarities to how Indonesian views plastic. This is also amazing news

straws got outlawn for restaurants or any food related business.

Here though, there isn't law specifically saying that but people are self-conscious to pick better options than plastic straws. These days, you can even make money from plastic, it's not much but it's extra pennies for long-term investment.