Beyond what they think #171

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago

Women have been undermined by society for a long period of time now. Most cultures have always seen women as less. It feels as if a margin has been placed over us that we can never rise above.

I don't know how such practices came about or how they were accepted and cultivated. Women have come to accept and believe that they can't do certain things or play certain roles in society. They are limited to certain responsibilities and roles. It's not as if these responsibilities can't be carried out by women, but even they themselves were told that such responsibilities weren't for them.

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Women's empowerment has actually changed a whole lot of wrong cultures that have been cultivated against women over time.

For me, women's empowerment is actually a way of righting the wrongs and fixing the damage society has caused to women. It's so beautiful to see the hidden talents and possibilities in women.

What most women need is a little push. I have this hostel mate who learned shoemaking from an empowerment scheme organized for women in our 200l at the university. Now she's one of the best shoemakers I have seen. That little push brought about self-discovery that has been hidden for ages.

What I have to say to a young woman out there.

The best thing that can happen to anyone is knowing their worth and understanding who they are. It's time every lady out there rise above living solely for others and started living for themselves.

How we think, speak, and act is a result of what we know and have come to believe. If you have been told all your life that you are poor, if care is not taken, you'll end up poor.

As a lady, you have to define yourself and live by it. Not minding what other people think. As long as you are okay with it, that is all that matters.

Then add value to your life. You can't give what you don't have. Enough of depending on other people for everything.

I remembered an incident that happened between me and my roommate. Our drainage was not working properly. When we noticed it, the first thing she said was that we should call our neighbor, who was a male, to come check it out for us. I declined immediately. We should at least make an effort before asking for help. That's how we grow as humans.

And amazingly, it was not something serious; we were able to fix it ourselves. Now, am I saying it's wrong to ask for help? Hell no!!

But at least make some effort. Being so dependent on people is doing more harm than good.

Lastly, love yourself and be true to yourself. Others can't love you when you don't love yourself. The inferiority complex is what most of us ladies are suffering from. We always feel we are not good enough, and as a result, we are limited in our ability to live to our full potential.

Self-love is very important. Love yourself, value yourself, and appreciate every little level of success. That way, we are open to achieving more.



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It's so important to learn new skills and to push yourself outside of your comfort zone sometimes. Thanks for responding @bhetea01 xx

Thank you 😊