Why I'll Love You #173

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago

Love is something so beautiful that once you've experienced it, you'll forever be grateful for it's existence.
Loving someone comes naturally, but to keep loving that person is dependent on their personality traits and past experiences.

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When it comes to choosing whom to love, there are a lot of factors to put in place. For me, the first thing I check out is the God factor in you. I am a Christian, and I believe strongly that before a man can truly love, he must have deep reverence and fellowship with God. God is the only reason why he won't behave in certain ways, and vice versa.
Secondly, Compatibility. I can love you at first, but as long as we are not compactible, it will be difficult to keep anything between us.

Do you care more about the present moment or the future results of your decision?

When I saw this question, the first answer that came to mind was, the future of cause!!

But after thinking it through, I got to realize that who we are today is a result of what we sowed yesterday, and what we will reap tomorrow will be a result of what we are sowing today. It's so easy to conclude that you never know what the future holds for someone. But the truth of the matter is that there's nothing in the future. The future is what you make of it today.

I have heard friends say that "the ugly caterpillar you see today can become a beautiful butterfly tomorrow." No doubts. But if that caterpillar doesn't pay the price of feeding so well, it might never live to become a butterfly.

With all these being said, I would say that I still care about the future result, because if I can love you at the present, then I can love you forever. So my conclusion on this is that I care more about the present moment.

Besides, I don't even know what the future holds (smiles).

Premarital Sex

Having an incapable partner who can't stand by himself at first is not the problem, and it can be understood that the reason he can't stand up for you is because he himself is dependent on those people, and if he acts against them, it will certainly do more harm than good.

The main problem now is his mindset towards everything that is happening. He wasn't ready; that is understood. He didn't see this coming, and neither do I. We all made a mistake that no one is proud of. We are in this together, and we have to face it together.

If he is willing to take responsibility and man up, no problem. I will endure whatever the family is doing to me, knowing fully well that bad days don't last forever; its just a matter of time. But if he is still acting childish, then I'll have no choice but to leave and face the world alone. I will have less pain staying alone than staying with people who place less value on me, including the person who got me into such a situation in the first place.

My thoughts though


And that's a straightforward answer hehe.... It is just a matter of taking responsibilities, anyway. If it won't work out, then just set both apart for good until both learn each other's mistake, especially the man..but a mother should never leave her child no matter what..

Exactly sis. No matter what a mother should never leave her child 👌


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Yeah 💃💃. Thank you