#179-My life of being a single mom

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago

Racing a child alone was never been easy. I was a single mom for 13 years before I finally got married.

pinning of ribbons and a school event. Supportive mom be like.

I remember how I tried to be a strong person as a single mom. I had to take my child with me going to work. She was still 5 years old when I started working here at the computer shop. I had to send her to school first before going to work. Then I had to pick her up after school. After school, she will be with me until 10 pm. Since my work schedule that time was from 10 am to 10 pm.
Then we had to move from my Lola's(Grandmother's Father's side)house to my Nanay's(Grandmother's mother's side) house due to a misunderstanding with my Grandma.

my daughter and I when she was still 5 years old at my workplace.

My Nanay's house is a bit far from where I work so we had to pay for a habal-habal(motor taxi) every time I go to work or when I send my daughter to school.

I guess you might be wondering why I chose to stay in both my grandmother's house rather than living with my parents, well my dad was a drunkard, and every time he got drunk he always made a mess or he wanted to fight. I wanted to live peacefully so I stayed away from my dad.

go shopping with her

Being a single mom I wanted my child to have a good life and a good future. I tried my luck to find a good partner who could be a good father figure for my daughter.

I got engaged twice to a foreign man, a Danish and an American man but both of my relationships with them didn't work.

I was in a relationship with a Canadian man for 6 years. I thought he would be my forever because I could see how much he cared for my daughter. He loves my daughter like his own daughter. I can say that he is a great father figure for my daughter. I know if I choose him he can provide a good life for my daughter but I guess he was not destiny.

It was my fault that our relationship ended. I mingled with a Filipino guy and got pregnant.

For me finding a life partner is not about destiny but I think we are the ones who choose who will stay in our life forever.

She's been doing good in school. She's now in 11th Grade.

I am proud that I was able to raise my daughter alone. I am proud of how she grew up to be a respectful person, a loving daughter, and a caring sister to her younger brother.

my daughter with her brother

For now, I unhappily married for 4 years.

I guess that's all for my entry in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #179. I hope you enjoyed reading my article and thank you for coming this far. God bless us all!

All photos used in this article are copyrighted by me ©, unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission. Published: 04/03/2024 3:22 pm (GMT)


Life is tough being a single mother, perhaps one day there may be someone to bring your life full circle.

My kids are my strength

Your children are beautiful and you are an amazing mother 🌹

Thank you so much

You are welcome dear 😘

It's never easy to be a single mum, you'll continue to be an amazing mum to your daughter.

Thank you so much

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Thank you so much for the support

Being a single mother is not easy, I always give you guys a shout out.

Your daughter looks beautiful

Thank you so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

You are welcome 🤗

She looks like her father

This was so emotional to read
Your daughter is actually so pretty and you’ve done a good job to raise her to become the sweet girl that she is.
I know she is lucky each day to have you as her mother.
I’m also sorry about all the failed relationships. Better days are coming 🤗

Thank you so much for the sweet words.

You’re welcome

Thank you for writing about the challenges you faced, you are lucky to have each other!
I hope you will always be happy!

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Thank you so much for the support. Yeah my daughter is like my best friend. She even knows me better than my husband

You have such a pretty daughter, I always cherish single mothers because it's not easy at all combining work with taking care of kids. Kudos to you lady!


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