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RE: The Ladies of Hive community Contest #3

Oh wow, how lovely of you to say that!
I am so glad that you enjoyed it. and that it me- the real me- but I'm always real.

I'm not a game player, I wear my heart on my sleeve and have a crappy poker face and I can't lie- even if I should be lying instead of telling the truth...CAuse the truth can hurt people too much sometimes...

Glad your mum and you puss are keeping each other comapny too.

Chad was in a deep freezer cause he was going to get stuffed and sleep on my pillow until mum died, but mum ended up dying much quicker that anyone expected...and now he's on her feet and I'm a tad jealous...🙄


Guess things worked out somehow... good that they're keeping each other company now too! :)

Yeah the joke is though, that mum always got hot feet and in bed at night she was always kicking of the doona, so we joke that she'l be trying to kick off poor Chad too! 🤣

Hahahahaha, ohhh myyyy.... hahahahahaaaa