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RE: The Girl Who Did Not Like Grass

I hope that she actually uses her degree to help the animals in rescue centres and sanctuaries- the ones that actually really need the help.

I have no problem with zoo's if they are clean, properly maintained and the animals that are there are only there for speccific breeding purposes, like if they are on the edge of extinction, or are rescues that can't go back into the wild, otherwise, I'm not a fan of zoos- especially if they buy in animals from all over the world to be displayed in an unnatural habitat....

But either way, I wish LilKay the best and am so glad that we will have another Rainbow Warrior in the world cause the animals and the earth need all the help that they can get!



I actually forgot when I replied that she is not keen on zoos
For the very reasons you cited
If we are still hanging out here in 3 years... it will be clearer ;D

Yes well I hope that we are still hanging out her in 3 years and more!

So I look forward to the final outcome- which infact may even change after that too.